3 Simple ways to Organize your Bras!

They are soft, hard, sore, sag, have various sizes, can change the way the world views us and most importantly provide nourishment.

Can you guess what I'm talking about?

Boobies, breast, tits, knockers, bazookas the list can go on and on are an important part of being a woman. Because we are born with boobs, to slow down the process of sagging and for some of us to help with posture, we have to wear bras.

Fun Fact: When I was 18 years old, I wanted a boob job. For whatever reason I was extremely self-conscious of my breast and wanted them BIGGER. After leaving the consultation, I realized that doing this procedure wasn’t for me at least not yet and didn’t proceed with the procedure.  

For the last 5 years I have gone through numerous of bras. Whether they were from Victoria’s Secret or Target, in the past I’ve found it difficult to preserve my bras. At first, I thought it was because I was washing them the wrong way and I thought it was because they were cheap. After years and years, I finally figured it out that the main culprit was the way I stored my bra. Of course, for your bras to last longer, the way you wash it and the quality of it influences the longevity of your bra but for a long time, I was storing incorrectly.

Time has past now, and I have found a few different ways to organize my bras and it has made such a difference in their endurance.

Today I will show you 4 different ways to organize your bras and I hope you try them and let me if they work for you.

Let’s begin with some ways to get your Bra organization ready!

Tips to Prepare your Bras before Organizing them: 

·       Create some space solely for your bras

·       Color coordinate

·       Line them up

Now, here are ways to organize your Bras:

D R A W E R   D I V I D E R S

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Using drawer dividers provides separation in the drawer allowing your bras to breathe and not be bothered. I used these white drawer dividers and they work great in these drawers. If you decide to go this route, make sure you have the correct measurements of your drawer because the dividers come in various sizes and you want to make sure it will fit your drawer. Using this technique, my bras have their own space and have room for growth.

F O L D A B L E   U N D E R W E A R   O R G A N I Z E R

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 In the first option you line your bras together while the divider keeps them in place. The only difference is your bras sit inside the organizer and are separates bra by bra. This particular organizer has 7 dividers therefore if you have more than 7 bras you will need more organizers. Just keep in mind your bra size is a C cup and higher, it may be difficult to fit the organizer with your bra inside of them in your drawer (unless you have a deep drawer). In this case, you can store your organizer on any flat surface even under the bed if you lack storage.

B O O B I E   T R A P

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  First off let's give an applause to the name of this organizer!


The name in its self-explains exactly what it does. It traps your bras in place so they won’t move as you open and close your drawer. They are made to specifically preserve the shape of your bra so you’ll never have to worry about them losing its structure. They do fit in most drawers but just be sure again to measure your drawer before buying them because unlike the foldable underwear organizer, this item is not flexible. They are the most expensive out of the 3 mentioned today so if you but they will keep your bras neatly stored upright in the drawer and keep them nice, neat looking beautiful and organized.

I am giving an away one of these bad boy boobie traps so if you’re interested in getting your hands on one of these let me know if the comments below how many siblings you have and where you fit amongst your siblings.

For example, I have 2 other siblings and I am the middle child!

I hope you enjoyed this article and I hope it helps you get your bras more organized.

Until next time!

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