8 Time Management Tips for the Workplace and your Life

“Time management helps you sow more and better so you can reap more and better”
-Brian Tracy

All accomplishment requires time. Whether it be finishing an essay or learning how to ride a bike, time is needed. Time is irreplaceable and there is no substitute for it, therefore, once it’s gone it’s gone. Time management develops judgment and self-disciple, which is a quality of great leader.

Time management helps you work smarter and not harder, and increase the quality and quantity of your output. Time management is the most important skill adding to the success of an individual or a business. Successful people use their time well making their ability to earn more revenue accessible. Below are tips on how to use time management in the workplace. It is crucial you use these tips systematically to increase your overall life. Remember, time lost can never be regained.

Before you begin reading ask yourself, what is the most valuable use of your time?

Tip #1: Plan Plan Plan

Plan each day, week and month in advance. Make a list of tasks or ideas that need to be done and accomplished. For each day, plan the night before.

Plan during the weekend for the upcoming week and in the beginning of the month for the month ahead.

Doing so gives you a good overview of how the day, week or month will flow to prevent you from veering off or getting distracted.

Tip #2: Set Priorities for each task

Be clear on which of your tasks are important (valuable not urgent) and complete it. Furthermore, for those tasks, determine the time you’d like to complete the important tasks and be sure you work that one task until it is complete.

Once it’s complete, you can move on to the next one.

Tip #3: Breakdown tasks into small steps

Procrastination is usually derived from the overwhelming feeling of your major tasks at hand. To overcome this, try breaking down tasks into simple small steps and do it one step at a time.

If your task/goal is to prepare a speech, try breaking down the speech into small categories you’d like to talk about rather than as a whole.

Tip #4: Clarify your Goals


Similar to setting priorities to each task, this tip dissects your goals even further.

Write down all of your goals in your notepad, planner or agenda and determine which of these goals take precedence.

Next to each goal letter it with either an “M” (most important) “N” (not too important) or an “L” (less important), designating the goals that are most important and less important.

Once those goals are determined, organize those goals that have a “M” next to them, a “N” next to them and so on. Once you’ve finished this step, in each category number each goal starting from one and write it next to the category.

When you determine the most important goal on your list (this is the goal that determines how you accomplish all of your goals on your list) write down all of the actions it will take to finish this goal.

Tip #5: Concentrate

Learning how to concentrate is an essential key to success.

When you are able to concentrate on a high priority task, you are then filled with energy and once it’s complete, that same energy transforms into excitement which is brought on due to the accomplishment you’ve experienced.

Tip #6: Eliminate Distractions

With social media and electronics being easily accessible, the levels of distraction are at an all time high.

To prevent time wasting, remove all elements around you that cause distractions.

For example, put your phone on “do not disturb” when you are working on an important task. Avoid answering emails, voicemails or IMs.

Delete all your social media accounts from your browser to prevent you from checking them. Control human interruptions by either putting a sign outside of your door saying “Busy”or locking your door to avoid intrusions.

Tip #7: Create a Time Record

Allocate where your time is going and keep track of what you’re spending all of your time on. Each time you do something, log the time you spent on that task.

Whether it is answering a phone call, time spent at a meeting or even socializing, log your time and analyze how you’re spending your time.

Ask yourself, if the time you are spending is consistent with your goals, or if you’re spending it on things that are important to you. If you see that your time is not being used wisely, keep modifying your plan.

Tip #8: Delegate

Give/Outsource everything you can to someone else. It is important not to waste your time doing low priority tasks if success is your goal.

Delegating them out to someone who can do the work at a less price allows you to focus on those tasks that have a higher return. When you delegate a task, first think through what you need done.

Then, give the task to the right person. Next make sure the task is clearly defined (include a deadline).

Last, check it to make sure it was done right and on time.

Are you ready to receive the expert assistance, encouragement, and accountability to increase your time management skills?  Reserve your courtesy Organizing Breakthrough Sessiontoday!

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