4 Easy Yet Effective Decluttering Tips for Your Home Office

The pandemic changed the way everyone worked. Home offices became the new normal since many businesses were forced to ditch their in-person offices and shift to digital platforms. Thanks to the wonders of technology, almost everyone can work productively at home. If you already have a home office, you might end up taking more than five minutes to find what you’re looking for on your desk. This is because your personal belongings are mixed up with your office supplies. When this happens, you are likely to have trouble staying focused and productive. The good news is it’s easy to restore order and organization to your workspace. Here are some easy decluttering tips to follow:


Frugal or sentimental people may tend to keep lots of items even if they serve no purpose. If you are one of them, eventually, you may find yourself working in a home office full of things you don’t even use. This habit of hoarding can become problematic over time. It’s easy to go overboard when storing office supplies. To get started, consider doing the KonMari Method, which is organizing consultant Marie Kondo’s minimalist-inspired approach to tidying up belongings by category. This involves asking yourself if your items spark joy and then thanking them for serving their purpose before getting rid of them. Look around your home office and determine items not being used. Re-sell them, give them away, or donate them if they were not used for the past six months.


If you have already cleared the office supplies you no longer need or use but still have a messy desk, it’s time to organize your belongings. Keep your desk as bare as possible by storing your items in bins, containers, drawers, and other storage areas. When storing things on your desk, use an organizer that can hold pens, pencils, a notepad, and other things you frequently use while working. Place Like items together so you can find what you are looking for without hassle.


The key to being more productive and focused is ensuring that everything on your desk lets you  do your job effectively and efficiently. If there are items that should not be in your home office in the first place, put them elsewhere to separate your living spaces and workspaces.


Personal mementos like trophies, photos, and souvenirs bring inspiration in your office cubicle. However, this doesn’t serve the same effect when you’re at home anyway. If you want to place them in your home office, keep them out of your desk as much as possible. Arrange them instead on shelves, walls, or cabinets to ensure that your desk has enough space that lets you work comfortably. Another option to make your office look neat and professional, even with a bunch of mementos, is to display only your favorites so you can stay inspired for work.

Your workspace at home can get cluttered and messy, especially if you frequently have to use office supplies or handle paperwork. Thankfully, tidying up is a breeze once you follow these suggestions or make decluttering a habit. If you need a helping hand in organizing your home office, hire professionals specializing in decluttering services. Rescue My Space offers decluttering services in Houston and nearby areas. Our team of organizing consultants can turn your cluttered home office into a productive and organized workspace in no time. Contact us today to discuss your needs!