3 Things to Consider When Decluttering Your Household

Decluttering is hard to do for most people, especially since humans naturally connect objects with memories and emotions. Even worn-out clothes feel difficult to let go of if it has a special connection to the person. However, decluttering doesn’t just let you own less; it also helps you develop a healthier lifestyle.


Drowning in clutter is a feeling no one wants to have. However, it takes plenty of steps toward self-actualization to realize this. For this reason, people need to be more attentive to their surroundings and how they feel in their living spaces.

Do you have trouble moving from one part of the home to the next?

Do you have trouble looking for important items?

Do you have too much of something you don’t even use too often?

These questions may seem simple to ask but can be difficult to face for people that naturally keep piles upon piles of their belongings. Constantly dealing with a disorganized living space can harm a person as a logistical and mental health concern. This is why decluttering is the only way to solve two birds with one stone. In this article, we’ll share three things you should consider before finally letting go of your valuables.



The first thing you need to assess with your belongings is their practicality which will vary depending on the object. For example, losing an extra shirt is different from throwing away a spare microwave. This is why you need to measure if an object will be practical to own. Additionally, you should assess if keeping it in your home is practical or not. Understandably, many people have trouble letting go of things without practical purpose. This includes souvenirs and other items accessories. Since it’s tough to weigh their practicality based on use alone, your next step is to gauge their value.


An item’s value can be its monetary or sentimental value. Using these two opposite perspectives, you get to see if an item is just taking up space or serving a purpose. Many souvenir items and accessories tend to be difficult to let go of because they add something to your rooms. It can be because they’re a part of a collection or an accent to your rooms. However, you need to access if you’re simply keeping or hoarding these items. Besides as a sentimental memento and interior design option, you may keep an object due to its potential market value. Many antiques and collector’s items can fetch a good price in the future. This is why hobbyists tend to have shelves of these items. If you’re one of these hobbyists, you should consider if it’s time to sell your collection or opt for a more effective long-term storage solution.


Some items are stored in your closets and above your cupboards because of the chance of repairing them. These are usually damaged clothes or broken appliances. If you’re still thinking about fixing these items, it’s best to put them in a separate box and set a deadline for yourself. If you haven’t fixed these items by then for keeping or selling, it may just be easier to put them in the trash.

Learning to let go of old belongings isn’t easy for everyone. Nevertheless, it’s a necessary part of growing and adapting to new lifestyles. If you stay stuck in the past, you’re unlikely to grow as a person. Thankfully, you don’t have to handle these transitions yourself. Instead, you can hire decluttering experts to assist your goal in living a mess-free life.
Our team at Rescue My Space, are professionals when it comes to organizing your living spaces. If you need decluttering services in Houston, TX, to live a clutter-free life, book us today!